Theodin Sylander The Scribe is a young high elf of 165, only 45 years into his job as scribe for the illuminated hands. His great skill has earned him the right to transcribe the ancient text The Book of Light and Shadows. This text is printed on the flayed skin of the World Giant Meindalleif The Light, and imbued with the essence of 500 demons during a war whose name has been forgotten. This book is so imbued with magic that it has wreaked havoc, and been very expensive in the last 30 years as the guild intensified efforts to transcribe it as its pages turned to dust regardless of the great magic and resources of the guild. 9 scribes were possessed by eldrictch gods or deamons. 4 Scribes were vaporized in a moment of glorious light that nearly broke the impressive wards of the chamber of Light and Shadow each time. Alleadiam the wise had his fine mind trapped in a sacred circle in chapter two after tripping a protection spell. Theodin has a sense for magic, which seems innate and he has successfully transcribed most of the book and it appears this great power will be carried on another 3 thousand years. In the chamber of light and shadows at his work desk Theodin is transcribing, pop, everything goes black.