Lunchbox Doomhammer is a young Orc Adult of 13. He is a ‘Skinni boi’ in the warband “Da Head Rippas” whose signature move is to rend the head of elves off with their bare hands after placing a few well placed bites to their enemies necks. The band believes the screams of their victims as they tend this head pleases their violent god Lorcy. And they are probably right because the warriors of this band are famously as strong as 5 orcs.

Lunchbox was abducted from Blood stone village years ago during a raid. He has been making camp, cooking meals, feeding the boars, and staying underfoot. He eats what scraps are left after a meal and is emaciated sealing his fate as a ‘Skinny Boi’ a servant of the war band, as size and strength count.

Violence is alive in every moment and at this moment Zug Thunda Tusk Shoves Lunchbox down in the streets of the fort. And violently kicks him in the gut. Lunchbox has grown an impressive frame and the hint of muscle sinew has begun to appear. “Da Skinni Boi, act like boss, look at him.

Lorcy doesn’t see him” Lunchbox hears this as he drifts into black.