Entry 3 – Journal of Theodin Salander
Entry 3
Written on the canister:
Know this, this impostor does not exercise Najm’s will. His rituals are not sanctified, they are a perversion of Najm’s ideals, his machinations remove the free choice needed to endeavor on adventure. This realm, and its high magics threaten the very weave itself. This is in direct violation of Mystra’s Ban. Destroy this Maze, smite the one who watches you. This is our will; exercise it and your party will be granted our favor
Take heed, do not be curious about this realm. These magics are an abomination, and they threaten the weave and existence. Do not take anything from this realm, everything is tainted by it. With this case comes the blessings of Najm and Mystra, cast it aside, and cast aside the blessing.

-T. Salander, of the Illuminated hands